2014 Spring Dance
BRRR! What a winter we’re having in Toronto! During the Christmas/New Year blackout due to the ice storm, I guess I was one of the “lucky” ones as my electricity was out for only ONE (1) day! Even that short length of outage time was unpleasant in the depth winter, so I really feel for those who had no power for as long as 7 or 10 days. I guess that we got somewhat spoilt by the winters of the last few years which were not very severe. I can still remember mowing the LONG, GROWING, GREEN grass on my lawn in the middle of March in 2010! This last week-end, I had to clear my driveway twice from the icy snow which came down on Sat. afternoon to Sun. morning. It really helped that I had a snow blower (albeit an electric one) to ease the work.
Well, there isn’t much we can do about the weather (in spite of the claims by the global warming alarmists) except to “grin and bear it” (not bare - at least, not in winter!). However, we can do something about raising our spirits and keeping a positive view of the situation. We can anticipate the (hopefully) early arrival of Spring this year by attending the Toronto Saints Alumni Association Old School Spring Fling which will be held earlier this year to get you out of the “blues”. The proceeds from this event will go towards obtaining equipment for the science laboratories at the College which has been designated by the Guyana Government as one of the special 6th Form science schools in Guyana.
This dance will take place on Sat. 5 April, 2014, from 7:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. and, like last year, will be held at the West Rouge Community Centre, 270 Rouge Hills Drive, Toronto (Hwy 401/Hwy 2/Port Union Road neighbourhood). The music will be provided by DJ GET BUSY, and the “donation” is only $45 per person. This is an all-inclusive event, with dinner served by Rose D’Ornellas from 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., and an “open” bar for alcoholic and soft drinks (so leave your wallets at home!). On second thoughts, do bring your wallets with your money as there will be a raffle, and we will be accepting donations for upgrading the science labs.
Should you have specific dietary requirements, please inform the person from whom you obtain your tickets, and we shall make the appropriate arrangements.
Last year, this event was sold out early, and we could have sold more tickets during the final weeks preceding the dance, but the limited size of the Hall prohibited us from doing so.
Please see the attached flyer for more information about ticket sellers.
Bunty Phillips