In recognition of the on-going support received from its membership, the Executive Committee (hereafter known as “the Executive”) of the St. Stanislaus College Alumni Association Toronto (hereafter known as “SAINTS”) is offering bursaries to students, of Guyanese heritage, who reside in Canada and who wish to attend a post-secondary institution. Application must be made to SAINTS, providing that all the conditions stated below have been met.
1. The award is open to all children and grand-children of qualified individuals as defined below.
2. A qualified individual (the “sponsor”) must satisfy the following criteria :
- be of Guyanese heritage and a landed immigrant or a citizen of Canada;
- have attended St. Stanislaus College, Guyana;
- be a member in good standing of SAINTS, having paid the current annual dues;
- demonstrated continuing past support of SAINTS by being a long-standing member (of at least five years) of SAINTS.
3. The student must have academic qualifications as follows :
- the student must have earned an average grade of at least B (70+) for the consolidation of all courses throughout the last academic year;
- the student must not have failed in any course during the last academic year;
- proof of acceptable academic standing in the last academic year must be attached to the application.
4. The student must possess a high standard of personal and social skills as demonstrated by participation in extra-curricular activities such as community volunteering, organized sports, etc.
5. In the opinion of the academic staff of the school most recently attended, the student must be of good character, not having demonstrated any public behaviour in contravention of acceptable school standards. The student must attach to the application two letters of reference from the school academic staff in support of his/her good character.
6. A student who has won an award in any year will continue to be eligible for an award in the following year, provided all conditions are satisfied. However, there is no guarantee that a repeat award will be given automatically even if all conditions have been satisfied.
1. The number of awards to be offered each year will be at the discretion of the Executive. Awards may not be offered if there are no qualified candidates or if there are not sufficient resources to fund the awards.
2. The current value of an award will be no more than $500.00 (Can.)/year, the actual amount being set by the Executive. This must be used towards the cost of books and other school necessities.
3. While a previous winner of an award may re-apply and may win an award again, an annual bursary will not be awarded to the same person more than four times.
4. SAINTS will provide sufficient funds on a yearly basis to fund all awards made.
5. The Executive will confirm the decisions of the Selection Committee as to the winners of any awards. The decisions of the Executive on rulings related to awards are final, and appeals from sponsors or students will not be accepted or considered.
1. The sponsor must complete and submit the application to SAINTS at the address shown below, attaching all required supporting documents.
2. Applications must be received no less than three months prior to the need for the funds.
Download Application Form
Send Application to:
4544 Sheppard Avenue East, Toronto
Ontario, Canada M1S 1V2
1. Selection to be made by a committee
2. There must be financial need. The scholarship should not go to someone who can afford the fees on his or her own.
3. Both male and female students should be considered, and the choice must be made on the basis of academics and extracurricular activites.
4. The selected Student should have gained acceptance at U.G or a technical school in Guyana.
5. The scholarship will cover tuition, a laptop, books, project costs and transportation, as suggested by the U.G. Advisor.
6. The Toronto Alumni Association agree to award one scholarship in 2021 and reassess the costs at the end of the first year.
7. The Toronto Association will pay for the full 4 years needed to complete a degree, subject to an assessment of yearly performance, in a program aligned to Bobby's interests in the environment or fine arts.
8. If the selection committee believes that as a condition of award, it requires service to the college in some way post degree, the Toronto Alumni are supportive of that. There may be legal issues enforcing that, and it may not benefit the school if the candidate is not suitable for the teaching staff.