Bobby Fernandes Scholarship Fund
St Stanislaus College (Guyana) Alumni Society Needs Your Help! Donate to the Bobby Fernandes Scholarship Fund Link to PDF her...
Press Release 2020
Press Release (Revised) Saints maintains top performance among Senior Secondary schools after diligence, parents’ commitment and innovative programme. ...
SSCAAT Annual General Meeting 2019
The St. Stanislaus College Alumni Association Toronto Chapter (SSCAAT) is open to all past alumni of our beloved college, St. Stanislaus College in Guyana. We are calling ...
2019 Spring Dance - An Early Start
The St. Stanislaus College Alumni Association is making an early start to our fund-raising events for 2019. Our first major event of the year is our Spring Dinner/Dance which wi...
Paul Da Silva
Before letting down the LIAT ATR aircraft he was flying on Saturday June 13, Captain Paul DaSilva did the traditional low pass over the VC Bird International Airport on the isla...
Congratulations to Alumnus Desmond Newman
Mr. Desmond Newman Doctor of Laws, honoris causa Faculty of Business and Information Technology Faculty of Science For his entrepreneurial spirit, visi...
Old school mates meet for coffee
Old school mates meet for coffee — with Antony Chapman, Des Kawall, Victor Sancho (in from Texas) and Art Veerasammy.
Cyril Budhram
Alumnus Cyril Budhram is now an Engineer at FM Global in Canada Useful Links: Facebook | Cyril Budhram LinkedIn | Cyril Budhram
Arlston Lyte
Alumnus Arlston Lyte is now a veterinarian in the USA. Useful Links: Graduates.com | Ariston Lyte Causes.com | Ariston Lyte is working to Pardon Marissa A...
Jyoti Hardat
Best Wishes to Alumna Jyioti Hardat as she vies for Ms. Guyana Universe 2014. Useful Links: GTVibes | Jyoti Hardat for Miss Guyana Universe Facebook | Official...