Appeal to Alumni/Alumnae
We are making this special appeal to alumni/alumnae in Canada and elsewhere to become members of SSC(G)AS and, if possible, to volunteer help at the various fund-raising functions we put on.
Why? First of all, it offers all an opportunity to give back something to our old school and, through it, to the land of our birth. They both have played a part in making us who we are and, though much has changed, we can play a part in ensuring that certain values remain the same.
What can we offer you? Networking and renewed contacts with friends, among other things. For those who are very new to Canada, it is an immediate way of obtaining a group of friends/acquaintances in a new country and renewing contact with others. Networking is increasingly important in these times and SSC(G)AS can play some part in facilitating this.
What sort of help can you offer? In order to make some impact on the future of students of the College, we engage in a wide variety of fund-raising activities. Making arrangements for pulling off successful events demands serious planning and organization as well as numerous volunteers on the ground, whether it comes to
(a) setting up for parties and other events
(b) helping at the Golf tournament,
(c) selling of tickets,,
(d) finding sponsors for various events
(e) getting SIP training to serve beverages,
or playing a host of other possible roles.
We will try as best as we can to take your particular area of expertise into consideration. Volunteering is painless, easy, and lots of fun!
A particular welcome is extended to alumnae. The membership and Board of Directors of SSC(G)AS should reflect the reality of Saints having been a co-ed school since 1976.
No organization can remain static and survive. Infusions of new blood are always necessary. Please ensure our survival.