St. Stanislaus College (Guyana)Alumni Society
2019 - 2020 Toronto Executive group photo
Members of the SSCAAT Executive (From Left to Right): Renuka Persaud Rene Bayley, Paul Camacho, Des Jardine, Akisha Somrah. Jimmy Fung, Savi Seenauth, Tyrone De Abreu, Andrew Insanally, Malcolm Barrington, Art Veerasammy, Amanda King, Marcelline Ramcharan
4544 Sheppard Avenue East,
Toronto, Ontario M1S 1V2
The St. Stanislaus College (Guyana) Alumni Society was incorporated in 2011 and is devoted to making St. Stanislaus College the best educational institution in Guyana.
The college was founded by Fr. Langton S.J. in 1866.
Formerly run by the Jesuit Order of Catholic priests, the school was taken over by the Government in 1976 with Government-appointed teachers replacing the clergy in 1980.
The Society provides financial and other aid to the college to improve both the physical environment of the College and the opportunity for its students to acquire a strong educational foundation that will benefit them throughout their lives.
We need the support of former Saints students and their friends, to ensure that the current students develop their skills in an environment comparable to the one most of us were fortunate to have.
With today's busy schedules, attending to family and work constraints consumes much of our time. We have been fortunate to have truly dedicated members who help in our fund-raising activities by volunteering their services or attending our events, and for this we thank you.
If you can spare the time to volunteer even for one event per year, we can certainly use your help. We encourage you to attend our monthly meetings, and to consider joining the executive to use the many talents that we know many of you possess.
At the Association’s Annual General Meeting to report on the financial year of 1 Sept., 2022, to 31 Aug., 2023, held in Toronto on Sun. 24 Sept., 2023, the following were elected to the Board of Directors for 2023/2024
Board of Directors |
Position |
Malcolm Barrington | Chairman |
Tyrone DeAbreu | Vice-Chairman |
Alfred Carr | Director |
Paul Abdool | Director |
Bunty Phillips | Director |
Stephen Budhu | Director |
Renuka Persaud | Director |
James Fung | Director |
Godfrey Whyte | Director |
Art Veerasammy | Director |
Officers |
Position |
Malcolm Barrington |
President |
Tyrone DeAbreu |
Vice-President |
Stephen Budhu |
Secretary |
Art Veerasammy |
Assistant Secretary |
L.A.(Bunty) Phillips |
Treasurer |
Alfred Carr |
Assistant Treasurer |