Over the years the SSCAAT has donated thousands of dollars in equipment and supplies to the College, mainly in the areas of Science, Information Technology, Industrial Arts, Home Economics, Art and Literacy. Contributions have also been made to the Scout Troop. Funding has been provided and is ongoing for major repair and refurbishment of the aging school building. Fire-prevention equipment has also been dispatched. SSCAAT’s biggest fund-raising project to date has been the “Wall of Fame” which has raised over CAD$45,000 to construct a secure concrete/chain link fence around the perimeter of the College grounds.
In cooperation with CUSO/VSO http://www.cuso.ca/ our Alumni Association has enabled volunteers to go to Saints to give training in IT (Michael A’s Report) and Management. We were also instrumental in arranging for an experienced Math and Science teacher to work at Saints for a two-year period
Donations are also to be measured in terms of non-monetary contributions to the school: time spent in communication with the Board of Governors, Administration and individual teachers, all in an effort to ensure that a high quality of teaching and learning takes place at the College. Various programs have been set up, such as the upgrading of the skills of the Teaching staff, scholarships and grants for students and teachers, and a host of other innovations. One of our members has done work on a Moodle on-line learning program http://www.saints.edu.gy/moodle/ in several subjects and we appeal for additional expertise in various disciplines to continue this work. One does not have to be a member of the Executive to serve on any of our numerous Committees.
We are always on the lookout for ways in which to help the College and all suggestions are welcome.
As part of our Last Lap Lime responsibilities we donate to worthy Canadian causes (Letter of thanks from Diabetes Society)
Below are samples of the donations made to Saints over the last decade. Please contact us for further information.
Donations Made to Saints
Donations August 1999 | Donations July 2000 | Donations May 2001 | Donations July 2001 |
Donations February 2003 | Donations 2004 |

Mother and Child photo source: mharrsch flickr