Saint of our youth, thy heart to gain
Earth spread her glittering toys in vain,
Thy spirit turned from fading thing
To seek and serve the King of Kings.
Guide from thy throne of light above
Our steps in faith and hope and love;
That we may thread as thou has trod,
Bravely the narrow way of God.
No dull delay thy fervor knew
But fast the busy moments flew;
And in the dawn of light appears
The wisdom of declining years.
Teach us to find in faithful prayer,
Like thee, our only treasure there,
Where deeply hidden from human eyes
The Sacred Heart of Jesus lies.
Make perfect thus in little space
God called thee to his long embrace,
Before the mists of earth could throw
A shadow on thy robe of snow.
Teach us our passion to control,
In patience to possess our soul;
And, when deluding phantoms rise,
To close our ears and guard our eyes.